It seems as if the entire world is conspiring against me as a writer. I say that with tongue in cheek, actually it is stuck between my teeth where the molar is missing.
I no sooner signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and planned out how I would finish my current project in order to be free for November, how many words I would have to write daily (2275 a non weekend day)(22 of those) in order to complete (WIN) the 50,000 words in November, and began outlining my new project, VENGEANCE, when the other activities I am involved in went from minor time expenditures to much more demanding annoyances.
Then out of the clear blue sky I get writer's block and the ideas just don't flow. The problem was finishing that current project. After spending a year and a half on that project, focusing all my creative (?) talent (?) on those 70,000 words for so long, nothing else would come to mind.
One of the blogs I follow (can't remember which) pointed out in that authors view the hardest thing to do was to shift projects after each draft was complete. That author even stated that it took him/her over six months to start activities concerning a new project. I can't wait that long.
So, I am doing a couple of short story rewrites from the archives deep in the dungeon beneath mi casa. Who knows what will happen. I do, teacher, I do.
NaNoWriMo or bust. Join me. Now get back to writing.
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