Thursday, January 10, 2013

Vacation is over

When the days roll by and the computer calls, one picks up his or her muse and writes. Nothing has been written since the cookies came out of the oven. Alas, the cookies, divinity, and pies are all gone. My stomach covers my new beltbuckle even more than it did before. But, no worries, I am not able to see the shoes that need shining on my feet.

How's your writing? I have developed a method I like. Try it, if you want to.

I open one window with my writing, one with the timeline, and one with the characters and places listed. With all three open, I can quickly drag up the facts I have already developed for this story and keep the continuity. The project currently in progress even has an outline window because I am outlining ahead as my mind thinks of the good stuff. The muses in the previous blog give me so many good ideas that if I should not write them down immediately, they would be lost faster than the cat can disappear up the apple tree.

So, get writing.

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