Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It is official. I am now an author. Amazon says so.  Http:// is on the air.

All three if my current books are listed in kindle format and one in print.  The other two will be listed in print as soon as tomorrow.

It is a great thrill to see your name in lights. Now the idea is to sell a few and get some reviews.  Obviously I would love for you to buy my books and give me great five star reviews,  but I would rather you read them and gave me honest reviews so I can grow in my writing. 

Stay tuned as I share the tips I learn for marketing.  I live in a very rural area and do not have the normal avenues available to me with out hundreds of miles of travel. So, from scratch we go. 

The first tip is  That was my starting point.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Take a dream or goal in life you would die for. Write the story. That's what I did.  My dream came true for me, but way later in life than I had hoped. My book "GENTLE REBELLION" is that book. It is a fluffed up, never happened memoir.  It is the original dream. There is little reality in this story, but all the excitement that feeds a young man's ego.

The buzz phrase of writing is WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW. What do you know better than your dreams.

Try it. This works for articles and shorts, as well as novels.